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    "Wait and Bleed" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Slipknot

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Wait and Bleed" Lyrics

    I wonder where I can pee, inside my hell
    inside michelle i wait and bleed
    I wander out where you can't see, Kneel
    I wander out where you can't see Inside
    Inside Michelle I wait and bleed
    I've felt the air rise up in me. Kneel d
    I wander out where you can't see Inside
    I felt the hate rise up in me, Kneel dow
    I felt the air rise up in me, Kneel down
    I felt them Air, I stopped them move, A
    I've felt the hate rise up in me you cou
    I felt the air outside of me inside my s
    The skies are cold. The air is standing
    I felt the cake rise up in me, Kneel dow
    i wonder how high you can see inside my
    i felt the beer rise up in me kneel down
    Inside Michelle I wait and bleed.
    i felt the air rise up in me.. kneel dow
    ive felt the hair ris up in me kneel dow
    Inside Michelle I wait and bleed
    Inside Michelle i wait and bleed
    I felt the egg rise up in me. Kneel down
    Inside Michelle I wait and bleed

    Other Songs by Slipknot

    Before I Forget
    Butcher's Hook
    Gematria (The Killing Name)
    Get This
    Liberate My Madness
    My Plague
    New Abortion
    People = Sh*t
    Pulse of the Maggots
    Spit It Out
    The devil in I
    The Heretic Anthem
    The Nameless
    Three Nil
    Vermillion pt. 1

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