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    "Love Shack" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by The B-52s

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Love Shack" by The B-52s? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Love Shack" Lyrics

    Gettin' high all the time/ Hope you all
    You did what!?!? Heeeenry! And Rusty!
    Log shack, build a log shack.
    I'm a dog, baby! Bang Bang!
    F***in in a shack....
    your what? rustic
    Well the butt crack is a little ol' plac
    love jack benny
    Love shag, baby love shag
    Glitter on the night train
    Glove slap, baby glove slap
    Your what? oooh you're busted.
    Love Shaft
    Nut crack, baby nut crack.
    glove slap,baby,glove slap
    Love smack, baby love smack
    Love smack, baby love smack
    The love strap is a little ol' thing whe
    You did what???? HELL NO!.....BUSTED!!!
    Your WIFE?!? Henry! Busted!!
    'Hitting the roaaaad - busted!'
    You What? Hiiirr oof. raschnzes
    your what?? en route rusty.
    "Henry! Busted!"
    Love Shot, baby love shot
    You What? Henn ryy rest - ah
    Your What? Pregnant,Busted!
    You what?! Hit and run! Arrested!
    Humpin' my wife, and it's as big as a wh
    Tin roof rusty
    Your What!!?? Hen hoo is hustled
    love cats, la la love cats.
    Say what? Helllloo! Rusty.
    Your what? In Route! RUSTY!
    You're what? Inter-ested
    Henry, Rest!
    Batman - on the door
    wearin' next to nothing Cause it's hard
    You what?!'re busted!
    Critter on the front porch critter on th
    Henry! Busted!
    f**kin' in the shack! f**kin' in the sha
    So hurry up and bring your juice box mon
    Piddle on the mattress...
    BATMAN! At the door,baby!
    Sime says, "Stay Away, Fools."
    And bring your Bugs Bunny
    Bang, bang, your what? Henry, hustle!

    Other Songs by The B-52s

    52 Miles West of Venus
    Dance This Mess Around
    Deadbeat Club
    Fun Plex
    Party Out of Bounds
    Private Idaho
    Rock Lobster
    Song For a Future Generation

    Funniest Misheards by The B-52s